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Outlook 2010: Auto Reply to Emails

If you are off for vacations or connected a business trip so it would become a dire need to automatically send email stating alternative shipway to contact you. In Mindset 2010 you can mechanically deal with the incoming emails in sealed way, i.e,  by creating a template which includes important earpiece numbers pool, addresses, etc for immediate contact. Whenever you leave be contacted via email, the specified mail template will automatically be sent as a reply. In this post we will be creating a simple rule which eventually enables you to make over an auto-reply. To utilization this feature film you will need Microsoft Exchange Server to be configured with Outlook 2010.

To start dispatch with, first we deman to stool a template which volition comprise automatically transmitted to the sender's e-mail direct, for this set up Outlook 2010 and navigate to Home tablet and click New E-mail. Now compose an appropriate email template.


Now from File menu, clack Save As.

save as

It will pass you to Save As duologue, from Save as type options, suction stop Outlook Templet (*.oft). Give it an appropriate name and click Save


Now head over to Dwelling pill and from Rules options, get across Manage Rules & Alerts.

manage rules

Rules and Alerts dialog will appear, come home New Rule, you will see Rules Genius dialog. Under Start from a blank rule, select Apply rule happening messages I receive, and click Side by side.

rules and alerts

In this step, enable conveyed only to me option, and click Next.

2nd step

Now enable Reply using a specific template and from bottom pane click a specific template. A Select a Response Template dialog will open-up, from Look-In options, click User Templates in File System. Now choice the previously protected template and click Open, American Samoa shown in the screenshot down the stairs.

out of town templ 3rd

At the bottom of the dialog, you will see the template file is inserted. Click Finish to end the wizard.

click next 4th

It will bring you back to Rules and Alerts dialog, at once you can see the newly created rule aside the name of transmitted only when to ME. Click OK to continue.

Now when somebody will send you an email, an auto answer(selected template) mail will be automatically sent to the sender's e-mail address.

You can also check out previously reviewed guides on Apply rules on Text messages (SMS) &adenosine monophosphate; E-mail Tracking in Lookout 2010.

Outlook 2010: Auto Reply to Emails

Source: https://www.addictivetips.com/microsoft-office/outlook-2010-auto-reply-to-emails/

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